Backup Github repositories
We can use github-backup to do the backup.
Install postgresql on Mac os
This installation process is from MONCEF BELYAMANI
PAC related information
Some definition
Install Scikit-Learn on Ubuntu
##Machine Learning with Scikit ###Setup and Installation
United States House of Representatives Brief introduction
U.S. Senate Brief Introduction
Some information about lobby information
What is a Lobbyist?
Run Jekyll server not just locally
Thanks to the answer from stackoverflow
How to use python to do regression with fixed effect and cluster
This blog mainly based on linearmodels (PyPI, Documents), which is a good interface to do regression analysis.
Homework solution to ECON6010 Monetary Policy
Homework include Gali 2.3, 3.4, 3.5.
How to open a visual desktop in shell
Sometimes, you may want to use shell to run some program without ssh, then you will need this skill.
First Upload
I’m Wang Youan and this website will become my personal website.